Binzel WZr 08% Zirconia Tig Tungsten Electrode

With its doping element zirconium oxide this tungsten electrode reduces the risk of contaminating the weld pool. This TIG welding electrode is mainly used for AC welding, because it is not only suitable for DC welding to a limited extent. In AC welding, this doping element ensures a very stable dome. On the other hand, a tungsten electrode with zirconia does not ignite as well.

Colour coding with zirconium oxide:

White = WZr 08 – with 0.7 to 0.9 % zirconium oxide

M&G Industrial carries

700.0030 Tungsten 08% Zr 1.6mm 175
700.0034 Tungsten 08% Zr 2.4mm 175
700.0036 Tungsten 08% Zr 3.2mm 175

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