The A09518 is a set of 29 different fractional sizes of our A002 drills in a useful plastic storage case. The A09518 set keeps all of the drills together in size order, with sizes clearly displayed and easy drill selection. The A002 drills in this set are suitable for both hand held and machine drilling and have specially designed 118-degree split points which helps to self-centre the drills when drilling by hand, so no wandering over the surface of the workpiece, and you also get a more accurate sized hole with a better finish. The titanium nitride coated tip increases the life of the drills and improves performance when drilling harder materials. The A002 can be used for drilling many materials including steels, aluminium and stainless steel, with confidence of a good result every time. Containing an extensive range of 41 different diameters of our ever-popular A002 drill, the A09518 cased set of fractional drills is a great choice.