DORMER A119 HSS High Speed Steel Double Ended Stub Drill Bit

Dormer A119 HSS High Speed Steel Double Ended Stub Drill Bit with 120 Degree Point for Sheet Metal.

The A119 is a short drill designed primarily for drilling holes through sheet metal. It is manufactured from High-Speed steel, making it suitable for drilling in many materials including steel, aluminium and stainless steel. The steam oxide finish helps stop workpiece material from sticking to the cutting edge of the drill. The A119 has a 120-degree conventional point to aid self-centering, and the core of the drill is thinner than normal which helps reduce the amount of force needed when drilling. The drill comes in a number of metric diameters and is designed without the normal body clearance to improve hole roundness when drilling sheet metal. 

Finally, the drill is actually double ended, so you can use either end to drill, giving you twice the tool life! 

M&G Industrial Supplies carries 

A119 3.3, 4.1 & 4.9mm

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