LG2 Leaded Gunmetal Bronze

LG2 / Leaded Gunmetal Bronze: AS1565-1985
C836000 – Leaded Gunmetal Bronze
The term gunmetal originates from the mid-19th century, when zinc was first added to binary bronze ordnance parts to improve their casting characteristics.
Although these alloys are now no longer used for ordnance parts the term “gunmetal” has remained.
The alloys in LG2 have lower tin contents than the gunmetals and contain lead.
LG2 (Tin)Sn=4.0-6.0%; (Lead)Pb=4.0-6.0%; (Zinc)Zn=4.0-6.0%; (Nickel)Ni=2.0%; (Copper)Cu=Remainder.
The principal uses of this alloy are for valve bodies, pump bodies, elbows, pipes, taps and cocks and other hydraulic fittings where pressure tight properties are important. Its corrosion resistance properties rate fairly high and it also finds application in low-stressed bearings and moving parts.
Lead is insoluble in the copper base alloys and is distributed in fine globules throughout the alloy. Lead additions make the alloys more plastic and in bearing practice this is useful with softer shafts; if any slight misalignment has to be accommodated where variable or alternating loading is involved or where only limited lubrication is possible. These alloys are used for bearings and bushes for mining machinery, to resist corrosive waters and for poor lubrication conditions. As unlined bearings for certain rolling mills, and for liners in the paper making industry where resistance to corrosion is necessary, railway bearings, and steam packing metals, pump parts for mildly corrosive conditions and bearings for use in the oil industry.


LG2 Bronze LG2 Bronze
Hollow Solid
1 X 1/2 1/2
1 X 5/8 5/8
1-1/4 X 1/2 3/4
1-1/4 X 3/4 1
1-1/4 X 1 1-1/4
1-1/2 X 1/2 1-1/2
1-1/2 X 3/4 1-3/4
1-1/2 X 1 2
1-3/4 X 3/4 2-1/4
1-3/4 X 1 2-1/2
1-3/4 X 1-1/4 3
2 X 5/8 3-1/2
2 X 3/4 4
2 X 1
2 X 1-1/4
2 X 1-1/2
2-1/4 X 3/4
2-1/4 X 1
2-1/4 X 1-1/4
2-1/4 X 1-1/2
2-1/4 X 1-3/4
2-1/2 X 3/4
2-1/2 X 1
2-1/2 X 1-1/2
2-1/2 X 1-3/4
2-1/2 X 2
2-3/4 X 1-3/4
3 X 1-1/2
3 X 2-1/2
3-1/2 X 2-1/2
4 X 3
4-1/2 X 3
4-1/2 X 3-1/2

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