Our aim is to provide you with information on what we carry in stock, relevant technical information, descriptions and part numbers.
We will be using this website ourselves instead of physical instead of physical catalogues for a lot of our products.
If you are on our website and call us, we will both be on the same page.
What we are showing here is generally what we carry and we will be adding to it as time goes on.
There are exceptions to this where for the sake of simplicity we have included the complete catalogue of – for example
Timken Bearings and Auslift Lifting Equipment and Load Restraint, and Compressors.
What we show on this website is by no means the full extent of what we can supply.
About using this website
In the top right-hand corner, there is a SEARCH box
This is a basic search relating only to the main product description, i.e. if you
type in drill, you will get –
Plus, three more pages of items with ‘drill’ in their description.
Typing in drill vice
You will get –
Typing in drill vice 100
You will get –
Typing in drill bit
You will get –
Clicking on –
You will get –
Clicking on the Technical Data tab, you will get –
On the bottom bar left hand side is a –
Search function within the pdf document, typing in – for example 1.8 and clicking
Highlight All
will highlight within the pdf document two examples of ‘1.8’
Note: This function may not work with all pdfs on this site.